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Michelle Holmes

Pelvic Health and Continence Physiotherapist â€‹

MPhtySt, BClinExPhys

(Currently completing Clinical Masters in Pelvic Health Physiotherapy)


Advanced Postgraduate Certificates LEVEL 3

(Pessary fittings, Continence care, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pelvic Pain, Birth Choices)


Michelle’s interest in Women’s Health began early in her career, leading her to develop a strong focus on pre and postnatal care in private practice soon after graduating from her undergraduate degree. Michelle got to work straight away to develop a multidisciplinary team with her local Women’s Health Physiotherapy clinic to deliver high quality care for women across the life stages. She particularly enjoyed treating women for pregnancy-related pelvic conditions, the exercise management of abdominal separation and return to high intensity exercise after pregnancy. Michelle was fortunate to have worked with several elite female athletes to navigate their successful return to sport following pregnancy and

birth. It was this work that led Michelle down the pathway of attaining her Master’s in Physiotherapy and more recently embarking on her Master’s in Continence and Pelvic Health.


Not only does Michelle love staying up to date with the latest evidence in Women’s Health Physiotherapy, but she is also an active member of the Exercise Sports Science Australia (ESSA) professional development committee; regularly reviewing courses for other Exercise Physiologists wanting to further their training in Women’s Health and Pilates.


Michelle feels strongly about kind, compassionate, patient-centred care to help her patients achieve their health and rehabilitation goals. Her combined qualifications in Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy and advanced training in Pelvic Health means that she has a broad range of skills and expertise to offer her patients, including pessary sizing and fitting. Her enthusiasm toward helping each patient on their journey to recovery means each patient feels supported and understood.


Outside of the clinic, Michelle loves attending professional development, renovating and spending time with her young family.

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