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Birth Preparation

Prepare your pelvic floor for labour with a pelvic health physiotherapist.

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2024 Dates

Sat 16th March

Sat 18th May

Sat 22nd June

Sat 3rd Aug

1.5-2 hour Birth Workshop

Partners included

Run by an experienced Women's Health Physio 

Fee: $295

*note you may be eligible for health fund rebates*

Take home Resources & Exercises

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Workshops run by
Pelvic Health & Continence Physio,
Lissy Changuion


WHTA Member, APA Member

Postgraduate Lvl3 

(Continence, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pessary Fittings, Transperineal ultrasound imaging, Anorectal Disorders, Pelvic Pain, Pregnancy & Exercise)


Our Pelvic Floor Physio-led workshops help females better prepare for the changes that their bodies will go through during birth. The aim of these couple workshops are to help ladies and partners feel informed, confident and prepared in the lead-up towards their due date.  These workshops are designed to help expecting mums and couples prepare the "pelvic floor" for childbirth. It provides essential tools for birth partners to be informed too, and advocate for the mother's needs during unexpected situations.


As Pelvic Health Physio's we specialise in all things related to pelvic health. We work closely with your Obstetrician, Midwives and Health team to support ladies along their pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey. 


Our Workshops provide evidence-based education around reducing perineal trauma and effective birth preparation, along with practical tools to handle different scenarios; if labour is stalling, pain relief options, active movement and birthing positions to support pelvic health.


By providing education on the research, we empower individuals to make informed decisions that are right for them.  We take an impartial approach, providing all options and respecting all choices. We understand that even with the best preparation, things don't always go to plan during childbirth. In these cases, having a deep understanding of the situation can make a significant difference. Our commitment to knowledge and understanding allows us to make a positive impact, even in challenging circumstances.


Please don't hesitate to contact our clinic with any further questions.

Secure your spot by booking your Workshop date via online bookings

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