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Children's Continence Care


Nocturnal Enuresis

Nocturnal Enuresis, commonly referred to as bedwetting, is the involuntary emptying of the bladder during sleep in children aged 5 and older. About 1 in 5 children experience this condition, and by the time they reach 6-7 years of age, approximately 1 in 10 children still have nighttime accidents. It is important to note that bedwetting is not due to laziness or seeking attention; rather, it is a complex condition that can be distressing for both the child and the family.


Daytime Wetting

It is essential to recognize that every child develops at their own pace, and variations are normal. When accidents occur, there can be various reasons behind them, and our goal is to understand these reasons and devise an effective treatment plan.


It is crucial to understand that when a child has daytime accidents, it is not due to misbehavior but rather a result of the bladder's improper functioning.


Our primary focus will be on identifying the underlying cause and implementing a strategy to retrain the bladder. Moreover, we will also investigate the relationship between the bladder and bowel habits since these two systems are often interconnected, and bowel habits might influence the behavior of the bladder. Through this comprehensive approach, we aim to find the most suitable solution for your child's specific situation.

Constipation or Faecal Incontinence

Functional constipation is a frequently encountered issue among children and adolescents, with a prevalence of 25% at some stage in their lives. If your child consistently experiences abdominal discomfort and struggles with regular bowel movements, there is a strong possibility that they are dealing with this condition. The positive aspect is that effective treatment choices are accessible to address constipation in children once a diagnosis is made.

Children's continence

Contact Us

Please get in touch with our team

The Pelvic Health Physio




Ph: 0482 014 627




Shop 2, 3 Nicklin Way, Minyama, 4575

(inside the Westpac Building, parking available around back of the building)

© 2022 by The Pelvic Health Physio

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